Talent communities and content strategy

I’ve been immersed in social media for the past 6 years or so. Love it.

The very nature of social means compelling content has always been important but it’s really taking centre stage recently. Social media without good content strategy would be like Sherlock without Watson….Will Smith without Carlton Banks….Nadal without Federer etc etc. It’s an important partnership.

So I’ve been talking a lot about content.

Here’s one of those times. I spoke at my agency’s (Havas People) Talent Bites event series about talent communities and content strategy.

Here’s an overview.

And here are my presentation slides:

<div style=”margin-bottom:5px”> <strong> <a href=”https://www.slideshare.net/TalentBites1/chris-harwood-talent-communities-content-strategy&#8221; title=”Chris Harwood from Havas People on Talent Communities &amp; Content” target=”_blank”>Chris Harwood from Havas People on Talent Communities &amp; Content</a> </strong> from <strong><a href=”http://www.slideshare.net/TalentBites1&#8243; target=”_blank”>Talent Bites</a></strong> </div>